Clapton CFC are working with our manufacturers Rage Sport to replenish stock levels of our shirts.
We have now received some home and away shirts in a selection of sizes which are available to buy in person at women’s and men’s first team home games.
We also have some away shirts for online orders which we will put for sale every Monday (around mid-morning) starting on October 30.
We will put a limited number of shirts up for sale online per week so we can arrange regular packing and postage sessions. The orders will be dispatched within that week.
Buy Clapton CFC’s away shirts online on our online store here – new stock added every Monday.
Please remember to order a size up from your usual size as they are a tight fit.
If a size is not available that week, that is because we are awaiting on the next delivery of stock. We are expecting a further delivery with more sizes soon.
Prices remain the same as ever – £25 plus VAT where charged and postage. EU countries may charge the purchaser VAT/IVA which you will have to pay. All EU countries are variably applying this rule and our experience so far is that in many instances no charge is levied. PLEASE BE AWARE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF EXTRA CHARGES BEING APPLIED.
Orders will generally have a tracking number so you can see where your package is. This is provided by the Royal Mail and there are times when this does not get updated. We are unsure why this is the case but unfortunately is out of our hands.
Clapton Community FC is a small football club run by volunteers. As a club we are indebted to our volunteers who sit within the merchandise committee.
These are the volunteers who answer the numerous emails, place the orders, plan the packing sessions, print the labels, take the orders to the Post Office and generally do it with a smile on their face.
Email if you have any questions.
About the home shirt

In the summer of 2022 we were forced to change our home shirt for the first time since the club was founded in 2018.
Members voted from more than 80 fantastic designs, and the winner was this beauty inspired by the large chequered flag flown by fans at games.
More about the home shirt here.
About the away shirt

As previously announced, all Clapton CFC teams will continue to wear the No Pasaran away shirt this season.
Our away shirt story has been a phenomenon that none of us could have predicted. We were overwhelmed by the support people have shown for the club and our shared values.
In the summer of 2018, members voted for a Second Spanish Republic-inspired away shirt and it somehow spread around the world.
Over 2,500 men and women from Britain and Ireland travelled to fight with the International Brigades, with more than 500 dying for the cause.
Friends and comrades, particularly in Spain and Britain, started ordering faster than our non-profit manufacturer Rage Sport could make them
A huge thank you to the thousands who have already bought a shirt. We hope Clapton CFC can do these colours proud. No pasaran!
About Rage Sport
Many thanks to Rage Sport for bringing our fan-designed, fan-chosen kit to life and fulfilling all these orders.
They are an ethical company who make all their kits in Italy using responsibly sourced material and make sure all workers in the supply chain are paid properly fairly.
Its a real pity youre stopping selling these moving and wonderful shirts on-line. Apart from the profit you presumably make from on-line sales, there are lots of people like me [and those I have bought them for] who love them but wouldn’t or couldn’t get to the ground to buy them.
Please reconsider!
We’d love to keep on doing online sales but it’s taking up so much of our time and we only have a small volunteer base who are exhausted from replying to hundreds, perhaps thousands, of emails. We also need to switch our delivery company.
Having said that, never say never, if another group of volunteers step forward then we could sort something. And we will continue to sell shirts at home games.
Me gustaría poder comprar la camiseta con los colores de la bandera republicana.
Me encantaría saber cómo hacerlo.
Muchas gracias.
Salud y república.
Hola, voldria comprar unes samarretes de la República. Per lo que estic llegint no es possible, quina llàstima!!! Si hi hagués alguna possibilitat de fer-ho agrairé informació.
Salut i República ❤️💛💜
Hola. Yo hice un pedido on line para España en febrero y por mas que pregunto no me dan respuesta para saber si me la haran llegar. Podrian resolver mi duda? Gracias
Great Job!!
As soon as you find those volunteers, lots of people here at Spain, are wishing to own one of those!! 👍🏼👏🏼
I live in the US and missed that you had restarted production of the shirt. I would love to get one if you’re ever able to restart online sales.
Great, I was late when I was living in Cork and now that I live in Tokyo (hopefully to stay), You’re not making more.
At least you know that you have put your own name in the map and that now you have a lot of spanish people rooting for you. LET’S GO CLAPTON!
PS: If you manage to make more, let us know!
Why not sub-contract the shirt sales out to a 3rd party?
i am write from Sant Feliu de Guixols and i have interest in your t shirt
when and where i can to but it, please…?
I want to buy a shirt
I want to buy a shirt too.
Yo también quiero comprar una camiseta, espero con ilusión que volváis a venderlas y nos lo hagáis saber.
Querria comprar una camiseta, de la conmemoración de las brigadas internacionales, necesitaría la talla xxxl, como puedo conseguirla? Graciss
My wife and I learned about Clapton’s magnificent story quite a while ago. There are at least two proud Australian wearers of the strip. Venceremos.
Is it true you have no shirts left? I’ve been watching but must have missed it if so. I’m terminally ill with cancer and hoped to make my last journey in one of your shirts as you have rung such a bell with my thoughts. Best wishes in any case. Julyan
We have emailed you on this Julyan. Solidarity.
Hi Julyan – if there was no chance on a shirt – i would send you mine .Solidarity.
I would definitely buy one.
i need 26 shirts signed by my aunty
Nooo!!I missed the second round of selling! Too baad! I really wanted to buy the shirt for my nephew’s birthday!! Please please if there is any other possibility to find it or if you’ll put again the on-line sales could you email me? Thanks a lot!
Yo también estoy interesada en tener una camiseta. Por favor, si pudiera ser os lo agradecería mucho.
Please, can I have noticed of a new period to get your away-shirt?
I want to get one for me, but first one for my brother, an archeologist who is working in Paterna (Valencia) giving peace to the relatives of people shot by the fascists in our civil war (he had an interview for a BBC program recently) 😉
Thanks for your memory and solidarity
Come on guys
Seen as I was born in the mother’s it seems only fitting I become a fan and purchase a shirt. When will have some back in stock ? .
I hope that you you reconsider, the shirts have always gained favourable comments from my Spanish friends
I live in Northern Ireland, or as they say here “Norn Iron”.
Everyone wears Liverpool or Man Utd shirts in the summer.
Please advise if the away shirts are coming back on line.
Love the club, it’s ethics and honest values.
I want to wear one with pride to show football is not about big money but ethics and be questioned about the club and what it stands for.
Well done for a great season.
Keep it up.
Please bring it back! I’d love one!
Espero y deseo que sigáis haciendo más camisetas republicanas,yo estaría interesado en una. Me siento orgulloso de conocer a otro club con valores y por lo tanto me sentiría muy orgulloso de llevar ese escudo en mi pecho. Mis mejores deseos para todo ese equipo que compone en Clapton cfc. Por favor póngase en contacto conmigo en el momento de que podáis tener más. Un saludo camaradas!!!😉
I’d buy this t-shirt if it was available. Thank you very much
me gustaría conseguir una camiseta, como podría hacerlo?
My Spanish friend showed me this top. I’ve only just got around to looking for one and you’ve stopped selling them!!!!! Surely you will do another run at some point.?????
I really hope you start again and I can buy one of your shirts! Viva la República!!
Please inform me as soon as the shirts go back on sale. I really want one but live in Scotland so cannot be at the club’s away or home games.
Hi there,
I cannot believe I missed the opportunity to buy an away shirt – and on both occasions! It was meant to be a gift for my husband, first for our wedding, then for our first wedding anniversary. ;-( I really hope you find a volunteer group to step in. I sure would offer wouldn’t I live in Hamburg, Germany.
If it’s not too much asked: If ever one of you guys comes around to visit or go see a match of the FC St. Pauli (there are always a bunch of people from the UK there), please get in contact to figure out if it would be possible to arrange for an exchange.
Keep on being awesome! And know: You’ll never walk alone.
Cheers, Ana
Hi all,
I don’t live in the UK but I relaly want a jersey.
Please make more!
Hola. Hi, I would like to buy one. Can tell me someone where can I find it?
The jersey is very popular in Germany now. A brave man stood besides a far right demo and shouted that they are not Germany, not even Chemnitz! Of course he’s right and I think that many people were glad to get such a jersey! Produce it again and it maybe will be a symbol all over Europe to stand against far right! No parasan! You’ll never walk alone!
I’m interested to buy a t-shirt as a contribution for this very nice initiative.
Please explain how I can.
Maybe it’s too late, well never it’s too late. I want a clapton republican t shirt.
It’s possible buy 3 at 2020? I’ve got the Spanish republican selection t-shirt and I want yours too.
viva las brigadas internacionales!!!!
will be avalaible again in online shop the international brigades t shirt?
Me encantaría poder tener la camiseta republicana de Clapton. Felicidades por los valores,que intentáis difundir si hay más camisetas a la venta me gustaría recibir un aviso. Felicidades por el equipo y lo que representa.
We are trying to but shirts from Spain , but the system doesnt allow us to do it . Can you give me a phone number so we can call you ?
Rafael & Maggie
Yo también me gustaría tener la camiseta. Espero que aún las vendáis. Mi camiseta sería una L
Como es posible que no se fabriquen más camisetas siendo un negocio redondo para el fabricante y para el vendedor, sea o no el club.. No lo entiendo. Somos miles probablemente esperando a comprar una de estas camisetas. Yo se la prometí a mi hijo hace ya más de 2 años.
Quería una camiseta de la República 🌈
Got my st Pauli shirt, got West Didsbury and chorlton. Really need this.
Another football is possible
Me gustaría aportarles una idea, haciendo una lista de difusión en la que incluyan todas las personas que les solicitan camisetas, nos preguntan las que queremos, y así pueden fabricar bajo pedido.
En mi caso, querría una camiseta de niño y otra de adulto
Hola 👋
Me encantaría comprar un par de camisetas de la República para mis hijos 🙏
Quisiera comprar un par de camisetas