September 2022 income and expenditure

The new season has officially restarted and with it, expenditure rose back to £10 739,98 in September.

This was driven by large spending on training and ground pitch this month, which totaled £3708,33 across all teams, including £2800 by the Women’s First Team, £283,33 of ground hire by the Men’s First Team and £625 by the Youth Training.

The Women’s First Team also spent £1035 on coaching fees for September and October, £60 for food for players, and £100 on Match officials. The Men’s First Team spent £40 on food for players, £130 on match officials, £65 on referee fees.

Large items of spending also involved kit costs as the Clapton Community Teams have had to change their Home Kits. The Men’s First Team and the Men’s Development Team each had to spend £1168,52 on new kits. The Club also spent £750 on a Warehouse loan arrangement fee, £642 on Membership Badges and £216 on Match Day security. 

The Communications Committee spent £350 on online store costs and £59,99 on Flickr annual photo storage and £3,49 on monthly online store costs. The usual spending of the Finance committee involves £24,70 on accounting software and £19 on long term storage fee.

We also note the £1108,69 monthly loan repayment fee for the purchase of the ground. 

The Club’s income jumped up to £ 32 713,24 in September, more than double that of August (£14 647,31) which was itself more than double that of July’s (£6297,57). However, thisincreasewas in large part the result of a £13 130 Grant for the OSD Warehouse purchase costs.

Merchandise also brought in a staggering £11 531,12 this month (after the deduction of PayPal fees of £577,41)whilememberships brought in £2230 (after £131,32 deduction in fees). This was the result of 118 membership renewals and 45 new members in September, while 51 memberships expired. As a result, the money brought in from new memberships dropped roughly by half from August to September.

In addition to merchandise, we thank our many donors as generous Match Day donations were given at the Women’s First Team games (£1 391,46) and the Men’s First Team (£1 242,21). The Workers Beer Company volunteers donated £1 026 this month, while other donations totaled £1 024. We also received £410 of donations for the Women’s 5 sessions, £80 of individual donations, and £30,68 of direct debit donations. 

In reporting the club’s expenditure, VAT is listed separately. In September, we collected £831,75 and spent £237,27. 


We have recorded Hardship Fund income and spending separately and in September 2022, the income and spending for the Hardship Fund was:

Donations received for CCFC supporters £48,30 
Payments made from Hardship Fund £0 

In total, £14 658,56 has been received and £14 542 has been paid out so far from the Hardship Fund from March 2020 to the end of September 2022. The remaining balance is thus £116,56. 

The club’s full income and expenditure for September 2022 is as follows: 


Merchandise £ 12 108,53* 
Membership £   2 230,00** 
Match Day Donations
Men’s First Team £   1 242,21*** 
Women’s First Team £   1 391,46**** 
Non Match Day Donations
Monthly Direct Debit £        30,68***** 
Other Donations £   1 024,00 
Women’s 5 sessions £      410,00 
Donation from Workers Beer Company volunteers £   1 026,00 
Individual donation £        60,00 
Charity bank interest £        40,36 
OSD Donations
Individual donations £        20,00 
Grant for OSD warehouse purchase costs £ 13 130,00 
Total CCFC Income £ 32 713,24 

*Before £577,41 in fees
**After £131,32 in fees
*** After £4,15 in fees
**** After £22,28 in fees
***** after £1,32 in fees


Club Board – Legal Expenses
Warehouse loan arrangement fee £      750,00 
OSD loan
Loan repayment for purchase of the ground £   1 108,69 
Communications Committee
Online store costs £      350,00 
Monthly online store costs £          3,49 
Flickr annual photo storage £        59,99 
Finance Committee
Accounting software subscription £        24,70 
Long term storage fee £        19,00 
League Liaison Committee
Disciplinary Fines  £        42,00 
MatchDay Committee
Security £      216,00 
Men’s Development Team
Men’s kit costs £   1 168,51 
Match referee costs £        40,00 
Membership Committee
Membership Badges £      642,00 
Men’s First Team
Refreshments £          8,61 
Food for players £        40,00 
Match officials £      130,00 
Referee fees £        65,00 
Ground hire  £      283,33 
Kit costs £   1 168,52 
Women’s First Team
Training pitch hire £   2 800,14 
Food for players £        60,00 
Coaching for September and October £   1 035,00 
Match officials £      100,00 
Youth Training 
Pitch hire £      625,00 
Total CCFC Expenditure £ 10 739,98 

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