Strike Solidarity Football Tournament at the OSD raises over £1000

The one-day tournament at the Old Spotted Dog Ground on Sunday raised an excellent £1046.37 for the UVW union strike fund. 

Thanks to the co-organisers Deptford Ravens and Queerspace FC and all the players, spectators, refs, cooks, club volunteers and more.

The tournament featured seven-a-side teams open to all abilities and genders. Teams included United Voices of the World, Independent Workers Union of Great Britain, Renaissance FC, London Renters Union, Ex-Girlfriend, Clapton CFC Open Access, Queerspace FC, Deptford Ravens FC and others.

All proceeds are going to UVW’s strike fund for their workers including cleaners at Amazon, Mercedes Benz, SAGE nursing home and the London School of Economics, and concierge workers in luxury flats. These workers from several different workplaces across London have collectively decided to coordinate their strike action to have maximum impact!

The winners were Renaissance FC (with a few CCFC legends guesting).