Women’s first and development team management for the new season

The Clapton CFC women’s first team setup is still the same as last season.

Claudio Gomes will continue as overall manager and first team head coach, supported by assistant coach Brian Bramble and assistant coach and goalkeeper coach Jack Francis.

The development team has a completely new setup, but with familiar faces. New head coach is Alice Nutman (first team captain), and assistant coach is goalkeeper Sophia Axelsson.

“It’s a pleasure to continue being part of the Clapton Community FC’s coaching team, and it’s great to see Alice and Sophia step up and seizing the opportunity to further the progress of our development team. I’m looking forward to supporting them on their initial steps into coaching and seeing both teams thriving after a good start to the season.”
Claudio Gomes

Being involved with Clapton I have met some wonderful, hardworking people and created some amazing memories. There is one that really stands out and is one of my references, the FA Cup match against Bedford really captured what Clapton is about.
Brian Bramble

“Thrilled to continue working with the Goalkeepers at CCFC. Last year’s countless standout performances from our union were down to the dedication and hard work all of our ‘keepers put into our training sessions. I’m looking forward to see how we can test ourselves at a higher level by being in the best possible condition we can be before match day. On a personal level it’s incredibly rewarding to learn from both the coaching staff and the players who continue to inspire with their efforts on and off the pitch.”
Jack Francis

“I love this club and am excited to contribute outside of wearing a captains armband on a Sunday. We are a team proudly run by and for women and non binary people. Training female coaches will mean we are a sustainable entity for girls and women football in the future.”
Alice Nutman

“At Clapton we’ve got this is a great space and opportunity for our women’s first and development teams. And this season, we’re not only developing excellent players, we’re also developing female coaches.”
Sophia Axelsson

The squad has also had some great additions to it, and we’ll introduce them all shortly.

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