Reclaim the Hides birdwatching talk in the clubhouse

Here’s an unexpected event coming up at the Old Spotted Dog clubhouse – a radical birdtalk.

As part of this year’s Anti University and Anarchist Bookfair, CCFC Member Matthew See is hosting a talk about how birdwatching could be a gateway to radicalisation – as long as you do it right.

For all recorded history people have projected their hopes, fears and existential rubbish onto birds, and tried to crowbar out of them some sort of profound understanding of the human world.

The premise of Reclaim the Hides is that people who want a fairer society built on mutual aid can do this too. At the same time it explores issues around land rights and eco vandalism and wonders when more birders will be kicking off themselves.

This event is on Thursday September 15 from 7 to 9pm. It is ticket only, so please book your free place via Eventbrite.

The OSD clubhouse has a licensed bar serving cold and hot refreshments.

For more info about Anti University, visit

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