Turkey and Syria earthquake support – how you can help

We share the pain of the people affected by the earthquake which struck southern Turkey and northern Syria on Monday. Thousands of buildings, including hospitals and schools, have collapsed and infrastructure has been badly damaged. 

Local responders are desperately searching through the rubble for survivors. People have been left without shelter in freezing winter conditions and desperately need blankets, emergency shelter, food and clean water.

The Disasters Emergency Committee, which brings together 15 international charities, has launched a campaign. However, many CCFC members and their friends have said they do not trust the Turkish state, led by Recep Erdoğan, to deliver the help required, particularly in the Kurdish region.

If you can help, please consider donating or sharing the links below…

The Day-Mer Turkish & Kurdish Community Solidarity Centre in North London is collecting donations. These funds will be handed directly to volunteer groups on the ground who will be using this in relation to emerging practical needs. https://daymer.org/donate/

The British Alevi Cultural Centre and Djemevi in Wood Green is the largest cultural centre in London working to help Turkish and Kurdish communities. Acc Name: London Alevi Cultural Centre and Cemevi – Acc No: 60570966 -Sort Code: 20-46-60– Reference: Earthquake

Heyva Sor (Kurdish Red Crescent) – Donate to Heyva Sor that is on the ground carrying out rescue operations. PayPal link https://t.co/y7nRJrd76w

A longer list of help and donation points across London and beyond has been compiled by the Londra Gazete here. Many places are taking donations of winter supplies, blankets, coats and shoes.