Prints for sale in aid of IWGB strike solidarity fund

Clapton CFC, Queerspace FC and Deptford Ravens are holding a strike solidarity tournament on Saturday at the Old Spotted Dog.

While we can’t properly open up the OSD for spectators for this one, there are two ways you can help the strike fund.

All proceeds go towards the IWGB Union strike fund for outsourced security staff at University College London, who have voted unanimously to strike over pay and union recognition.

Workers are asking for £15/hour, the wage paid to security before UCL began outsourcing to slash pay.

Prints for sale

The prints in the photo above were specially designed by Alice from Deptford Ravens and you can buy them online.

They are available as A3 digital prints for a limited period (UK only) with all profits going to the IWGB strike fund.

To purchase one, click here and donate to Deptford Ravens via PayPal (friend/family option).

Please donate £10 or more per print via PayPal and put your name as the reference.

Then DM @deptford_ravens on Instagram with your poster choice and your delivery address (or state you’d prefer to collect).

Then they will be posted to you before the end of October.

Print 1 – the official tournament poster

Print 2 – little Ravens playing in a 5aside, with historic 2022 summer strike placards in the background!

Print 3 – an alternative tournament poster featuring an autumnal scene at Clapton CFC’s Old Spotted Dog Scaffold stand and some lovely placard action.

Donate to the strike fund

The strike fund will provide hardship funds to colleagues who need it to take part in strike action, and so they can strike for as many days as possible, and keep the pressure on UCL to do the right thing.

They are low-wage workers and members of a small (but fierce) union and it can be very hard to take multiple days of strike without pay.

Any money you can give to support this strike fund will make a huge difference.

You can donate to the strike fund here.

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