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AGM 2023 Proposal: Working with Newham Council on investment for the Old Spotted Dog Ground

Posted: 06 Nov 2023, 13:34
by ClaptonCFC
The Old Spotted Dog Ground Trust has negotiated with Newham Council to create a plan for a new cycle path along the alley CCFC owns between the end of Disraeli Road and the Old Spotted Dog pub on Upton Lane. In order to widen the path, we will need to move the existing fence inwards, although we would retain ownership of both land and alley. In return, the council plans to:

• Install new 5m secure steel fencing along the pathway.
• Install a new gate at the Disraeli Rd entrance.
• Demolish the brick structure where the Disraeli Rd turnstile is and incorporate a turnstile into the new fencing.
• Resurface the newly created cycle path and add additional lighting.
• Create a new fence with a sliding gate into the warehouse yard.
• Remove the shallow bank next to the clubhouse so it is the same level as the warehouse yard, enabling us to put a new structure on this space in the future.
• Remove waste, including the existing broken yard gates and wooden fencing, as well as the unsafe overhanging canopy currently attached to the warehouse.
• Take over the maintenance of the protected trees along the alley.

This represents tens of thousands of pounds of investment that the club and the Trust is unable to make itself. It also offers the opportunity for the Trust to explore installing the two unused turnstiles into the fencing between the warehouse yard and the ground. This would free up the driveway beyond the Upton Lane gates and help us comply with future ground grading regulations requiring more turnstiles, if the men’s first team are promoted.

The plan will also provide a transformation on the area and improve the safety of the pathway (a real concern to local residents, especially at night) – a clear demonstration of the “community benefit” we are obliged as a club to demonstrate.

The cycle path will also help us to make a case when seeking future funding that we have a sustainable transport plan. We are currently discussing with the council to see if they can provide us with multiple bike racks for free.

None of this will have any impact on any tentative plans for redeveloping the warehouse – clearing the space next to the clubhouse would, in fact, help us to better understand how these plans might develop. Neither does it involve any changes to the pitch.

Detailed council plans and illustrations are due at the end of November and will be shared with members online and in our newsletter. Council officers have offered to attend a members meeting – potentially our AGM if appropriate – to answer any questions.

If we agree before the end of this year, local consultation can start in January and the council says it will aim to have the work completed by April.

PROPOSAL: we agree to proceed with this plan and set up a working group made of CCFC and Trust members to coordinate with the council on its delivery.

Proposed by: Kevin Blowe